Aid for trade

9th Global Review of Aid for Trade

Global Review 2024 of Aid for Trade, taking place in Geneva between 26 to 28 June 2024 under the theme ‘Mainstreaming Trade’.

Aid-for-Trade Work Program 2019 (source: WTO)

Activities under the Aid for trade initiatives are carried out on the basis of a biennial work program. These work programs promote deeper coherence among Aid for Trade partners and an on-going focus on Aid for Trade among the trade  and development community, with the emphasis on showing results. Work programs have generated impetus for Aid for trade activities on the ground.

A new Aid for trade work program for 2018-2019 was issued on 7 May 2018. under the theme of "Supporting Economic Diversification and Empowerment for inclusive, sustainable Development through Aid for Trade", the program seeks to further develop analysis of how Aid for Trade can contribute to economic diversification and empowerment and young people. Aid for trade can contribute to this objective by addressing supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure constraints, including for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly those in rural areas. Other issues to be covered during the work program will include industrialization and structural transformation, digital connectivity and skills, as well as sustainable development and access to energy.Read more...

The role of the WTO is to:

•Encourage additional flows of Aid for Trade from bilateral, regional and multilateral donors to support requests for trade-related capacity building from beneficiary countries

•Support improved ways of monitoring and evaluating the initiative.

•Encourage mainstreaming of trade into national development strategies by partner countries.

The Enhanced Integrated Framework is the main mechanism through which least-developed countries access Aid for Trade.
The Standards and Trade Development Facility maintains close contacts with the Aid for Trade initiative. It complements this global scheme through projects and monitoring of aid flows at an operational, issue-specific level.(WTO).



The purpose of the Global Review is to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of Aid for Trade to provide a strong incentive to both donors and recipients for advancing the Aid for trade agenda.
The Aid for trade Global Review 2019 will take place from 3 to 5 July at the WTO under the theme Supporting Economic Diversification and Empowerment for inclusive, sustainable Development through Aid for Trade". By addressing the supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure constraints of developing, and in particular least developed countries, Aid for trade can help advance the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development. Aid for trade aims to make trade more inclusive and ensure that its benefits are spread further and wider. The focus in 2019 will be how trade can further contribute to economic diversification and empowerment.Read more

More work needed to tackle barriers women entrepreneurs face in trade says DG Azevedo
3July 2019

Women entrepreneurs play a vital part in the world economy but more must be done to dismantle barriers to their full participation in World economy but more must be done to dismantle barriers to their full participation in global trade, Director Azevedo said at an Aid for trade Global Review session on 3 July which explored the trading landscape and national experiences since 2017 Buenos Aires Declaration on trade and Women's Economic Empowerment. new data on women traders to help deepen the discussion.

Aid for Trade Review opens with call to preserve trading system as driver for development

The seventh Global Review of Aid for Trade opened at the World Trade Organisation with a call for preserving the multilateral trading system in order to support trade as a driver of economic growth and development.

Economic diversification and empowerment of women key to bridge development gaps

4 July
Economic diversification and empowerment of women are key to achieve a fairer and more efficient trading environment, speakers at various sessions said at the aid for trade global review on 3-4 July. The Global economy offers many opportunities for enterprises to grow but much remains to be done in areas such as fisheries subsidies to safeguard resources and to ensure that the benefits of trade can reach more people, panelists agreed.